Do People Still Read Blogs?
People used to read blogs. We had our favorite bloggers and followed every scrap they put out. I followed some of the early “Mommy Bloggers” who amassed huge followings, of course. Dooce. Rage Against the Minivan. SO many others I’ve forgotten. I also followed lots of every day moms just trying to get by. Inspired […]
What Is Laughter Yoga?

I was walking through a park in Venice, Florida almost two years ago when a woman called out, “Come laugh with us!” She was standing next to a colorful sign that said, “Laughter Yoga.” I’d never heard of such a thing, and I consider myself fairly knowledgeable in the emotional wellness realm. I was in […]
How to Have An Awesome Adult Birthday Celebration

I went years without really celebrating my birthday. Decades. But now I’m in my 40s and I’m reclaiming the adult birthday!
Locked out of a luxury Orlando Airbnb with the oven on

I originally posted this in July 2018. After spending the day with Bestie Boo and recommending his Orlando Airbnb to someone, I realized I needed to do an update because he now has TWO luxury Orlando Airbnbs! They are loft apartments with one right on top of the other. Downtown Orlando loft airbnb #1 Downtown […]
Review: Namaste Gluten Free Spice Cake Mix

Review of Namaste gluten-free spice cake mix from an impatient and imperfect non-baker.
What Is a Mumu? And the Best Amazon Mumus

What is a mumu and where do you get one? I’ve got the answers! Here are ten amazing Amazon mumus to have you feeling like a queen!
Easy Black Bean Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Quick and easy weeknight black bean pumpkin soup recipe (with an honest backstory)
I Created a Line of Guided Emotional Support Journals

I’ve created a line of guided emotional support journals to help you feel good about yourself and live a life you love.
My Divorce Anniversary Is Trauma

It’s my fourth divorce anniversary and there’s still so much trauma. The trauma isn’t in the split itself, but in all of the processing since.
Pumpkin Slime Recipe!

Here’s the perfect fall fun activity! This pumpkin slime recipe is a great sensory experience for all ages – even adults.
21 Plus-Size Halloween Costumes from Amazon

Plus-size Halloween costumes don’t have to be drab, boring, or extremely expensive. I’ve scoured Amazon for some great choices!
Date Yourself: 5 Reasons You Should Go Out Alone

When I left my 20 year relationship my therapist kept encouraging to “date myself.” He urged me to plan something special to do alone outside of the house once a week. I lived in a summer rental cottage near the beach then. These solo dates were usually a Sunday walk to nearby Disney’s Vero Beach Resort. […]
Glitter Shoes Will Bring Joy – to You and Everyone Else!

This is your sign to get glitter shoes right now. Yes, as an adult. They are fun, joyful, comfortable, and only $25.
I’m Back for an October Blogging Challenge!

I’ve issued myself a blogging challenge – to blog every single day of October. That’s 31 new posts. Any topic requests?
Emotional Support Community Event: Muffins, Mumus & Magic!

The first event in the Rambling Rach Emotional Wellness Support community is coming up soon: Muffins, Mumus & Magic! If you are local to Vero Beach, Florida please come hang out! October 15 from 10 a.m. to noon at COLAB Vero Beach (a gorgeous coworking space). It’s going to be so much fun! (Not local? […]
I Needed a Healing Community, So I Created One!

Welcome to your healing community! Healing is often a lonely process, but it doesn’t have to be that way and you don’t have to do it alone. Hi! I’m Rach. I needed a healing community….so I build one. And I want you to be part of it! I know what it’s like to be without […]
Mindset: Do You See Free Bagels or a Long Line?

Would you focus on the free bagels being handed out or on the long line to get them? This analogy from Mel Robbins showcases mindset choices.
I Dropped My Scale Off at Goodwill This Morning

I’m tired of worrying about BOTH weight loss and weight gain. So I loaded my scale up and dropped it off at Goodwill!
NSNG Grocery List: Getting started with no sugar no grain

Here’s an easy NSNG (No sugar No Grain) grocery list.
Sending Nudes in Your Forties: the Spite Boob

Let’s talk sending nudes in your forties – or any age. Don’t send them to people who don’t appreciate them. Definitely don’t keep sending it out of spite!
Kanye and Kim: This Is Abuse, Not Entertainment

The situation with Kanye and Kim is abuse. It isn’t entertainment. These are real people in crisis. It’s dangerous and scary. And triggering for many.