NSNG Tips for Beginners
Do you struggle with sugar and carb cravings? It’s been a huge problem for my whole life. These steps made the transition to the no sugar no grain lifestyle so much easier for me.
CLICK HERE! for a NSNG checklist to get you started
- Eat lots of fruit at first. The natural sugar and carbs in fruit make the transition much easier.
- Eat fat. Fat satisfies. Try an avocado drizzled with olive oil, salt, pepper and lime juice for a snack.
- Sip on bone broth. The salt and other good-for-you qualifies help ward off headaches and other yucky feelings as your body adjusts to this new clean way of eating. I love making my own in my Instant Pot.
- Drink lots of water. Lots.
- Don’t go cold turkey. Start out slow. Reduce your sugar and grain intake over a couple of weeks.
Keep reading to find out what I order to stay NSNG when I go out to breakfast!