Let that shit go.
Whatever it is, let it go.
Hi! And welcome to day 5 of my birthday giveaway! Today (and for the next seven days), you can enter to win an awesome journal called, “Let That Shit Go: A Journal For Leaving Your Bullshit Behind and Creating a Happy Life.”
Why journaling?
I’ve been journaling, writing letters (that may or may not be shared) and making lists pretty much my entire life. My blogging has always been basically a public journal. When my world unraveled, I lost my ability to write for a while. It was all just too heavy. I didn’t know how to start.
And I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to handle what I unleashed if I started.
My therapist kept urging me to write. My friend/psychic Toi (enter to win a reading with her) basically told me to knock off my bullshit and get to work. She assured me I was strong enough to handle it.
So I started hand writing my thoughts and feelings with colorful pens in a fancy journal
. I just touched on the surface stuff at first, but I was writing.
And then I hurt myself because my handwriting is so horrible.
Yes, I got injured sitting at my table writing in a notebook.
I had pain from my fingers to my wrists, up to my elbow, over to my bicep and on to my shoulder.
Bad pain. Constant pain.
My doctor prescribed muscle relaxants, ibuprofen, rest and alternating ice and heat.
And to switch to typing for extended writing endeavors.
So I started a google document. Eventually I dove into deeper stuff. It’s all very much still a work in progress. Journaling is an important tool for healing.
And my arm is healing, too.
Journal prompts
Journals that have prompts really help me when I’m stuck or just want to do some quick reflection. I have several baskets filled with fill in the blank journals
, blank notebooks, coloring books
, pens, crayons
and self help books
around the house. This way I can grab a basket and have tools at my fingertips easily wherever I am in the house if I’m feeling anxious, sad, lonely, overwhelmed, etc.
“Let That Shit Go” by Monica Sweeney is a favorite. The intro says, “Welcome to your true self! This person is delightful as fuck, because he or she doesn’t give a crap about the bullshit, believes good energy begets more good energy, and imagines a place where a dash of silliness, a dose of heart, and a heavy sprinkling of profanity are as healthy a lifestyle as any.”
YASS! This is me.
Or at least the me I want to be and the pages are filled with prompts to help me get there. This journal is all about identifying the baggage and guilt you’re holding on to so you can let that shit go. There are prompts, questions, lists to make, coloring pages and other activities all designed to help you find your way to a lighter, happier, healthier place.
I’m going to color today because the message matches the coffee cup I chose this morning.
By the way, Sweeney is also the author of Zen as Fuck
if you’re working on mindfulness and meditation.
Enter to win below.
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Previous giveaways in my birthday week extravaganza include:
Make sure you enter them all!
Also check out: About Rambling Rach
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