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Birthday Giveaway Day 2: Adult Coloring Books

Birthday giveaways all week at Rambling Rach!

Hi there!  Welcome to  Day 2 of the Rambling Rach Birthday Giveaway series!  Day 2 offers a chance to win adult coloring books!  You’ll receive two of my favorite books, plus a set of cool GLITTER crayons.  Read why I’m having birthday giveaways here.

Why adult coloring books?

I love bright colors, but I don’t have any traditional artistic abilities.  Coloring doesn’t care.  I am an artist when I color.

This led to an F on a 5th grade Florida history project when I colored a panther hot pink and lavender, but it was worth it for my art.

Coloring is fun and relaxing.  I lived alone all summer.  My daughter was with her father.  I’d just left my marriage.  I’d literally never lived on my own.  It was hard .  I was sad and lonely a lot at first.  Coloring gave me something to keep my hands and mind busy.

Some of my favorite evenings with friends over the past few months have been spent coloring.   My friend Michelle and I spent an evening coloring penises. I then mailed my colorful cocks to a friend across the country.

My friend Lance and I colored cursing animals and then we broke out the bedazzler to enhance our creative expressions.

Coloring is great both alone and with a friend.  That’s why I’m sending the winner multiple books and plenty of crayons for sharing!

Benefits of adult coloring books

The benefits of coloring (for all ages) are many:

  • Art heals. Art therapy has been shown to be effective with a wide variety of issues including PTSD, depression and dementia. Coloring is DIY home art therapy.
  • It’s calming and relaxing. Focusing on coloring in images distracts your mind from all the stress running around in there.
  • It calms the fight or flight instinct. This is great for easing anxiety.
  • Coloring strengthens the brain. Organizing colors and patterns works the frontal lobe.
  • Both right and left sides of the brain are involved. Lots of occupational therapists are using coloring with their patients because of this.
  • It brings us back to a simpler time. There were no bills to worry about when you colored as a kid. Pick up your crayons and go back there.
  • Coloring is a way to be mindful. Focus on the colors and patterns to keep out unwanted thoughts.

Adult coloring books giveaway

Enter to win:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

More Giveaways:

Day 1:  Starbucks gift card

Day 3:  Psychic Reading 

Day 4:  Domino’s gift card

Day 5:  Let That Shit GO Journal

About Rambling Rach 


Sure, coloring for adults is cool now, but I never stopped coloring after childhood. I have a basket of coloring books, crayons and colored pencils on my coffee table.   Here are some of my favorite coloring books, crayons, markers, pencils, etc. Mantras, unicorns, zombies, dicks….there’s something for everyone!

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