So you’re in the LuLaRoe queue. This means you signed up to be a LuLaRoe consultant and are now on the waiting list.
(Yes, there’s a waiting list to be a LuLaRoe consultant! This company is exploding with growth! Want to know more about this business opportunity? Just let me know! Email
I was in the queue for 11 weeks and onboarded (officially became a consultant) in June. The queue seems to be moving faster now, so you’ll want to get busy. There’s a lot you can do while waiting to prepare for your new LuLaRoe business.
What to do while in the LuLaRoe Queue
Research & Reach Out!!!
- Listen to the Queue calls! They’re every Monday afternoon. Ask your sponsor for registration info.
- Sign up for emails from LuLaRoe. This will keep you notified of upcoming calls, webinars and other important info (such as the Queue call mentioned above!).
- Read and participate in Facebook groups. There are many out there for for people in the LuLaRoe queue. Ask your sponsor for suggestions.
- Talk to your sponsor and existing consultants. Ask questions. See if a local consultant will let you check out how she runs a pop up. (The answer will probably be yes, but be considerate. Don’t tell her customers you’re about to become a consultant and hand out your business card. Someone actually did this at my business launch. Not cool!)
- Watch YouTube videos – there is so much great information from top sellers on YouTube!
- Make connections. Find people who have similar goals and business philosophies as you. It’s okay if they’re across the country and you’ve never met them in person. Built yourself a support system of fellow LuLaRoe consultants. You’ll find so much value in these connections.
- Spend time with your friends and family now! Go to coffee with your bestie, spend the afternoon with your mom, go on a family picnic. They won’t see as much of you as you adjust to running your new LuLaRoe business.
You are about to get crazy busy!!!!!
- Clean and declutter your home. Hardcore.
- Organize
your personal belongings and paperwork.
- Get all of the meetings, appointments, practices, parties, etc. your family has coming up written on a calendar
- Make meals you can freeze
and just reheat one you launch.
- Stock up on nonperishable snacks and side items. Don’t forget the coffee
Create your business foundation.
Now is the time to figure out how you’re going to run your business.
- Make a schedule. It’s easy to fall into the track of working constantly. Do yourself and your family a favor and set office hours. Then stick to them!
- Set up a business bank account.
- Talk to a CPA about what you need to do for taxes and the easiest ways to keep track of your finances.
- Decide how you’ll keep track of inventory. There are many programs to help you (most cost a small monthly fee). Research the options (see the first section of this post!) and decide which will work best for you.
- Determine your policies! Some things to consider: How much shipping will you charge? What will be your return/exchange policy? What rewards will you offer hostesses?
- Chose a shipping service. I love Shipping Easy, but there are other options. Again, research in the Facebook groups and ask existing consultants for suggestions. Research and Reach Out. So important!
- Create graphics, forms, sheets and documents. If you’ll be using Google forms, go ahead and make it now. Create any spreadsheets, hostess letters, information sheets and anything else you’ll be using. Start making graphics now or downloading them from the LuLaRoe back office.
- Practice taking photos. You want clear, brightly lit photos. Again, YouTube is your friend for finding tutorials.
- What styles are you going to carry? Will you be ordering anything beyond the initial onboarding package? Will you be adding on men or kid items?
- What are your goals? Write down your weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly goals and map out how to get there.
Set up your LuLaRoe space.
Claim some space in your house and get to work making it your office.
- Organize your office – out with the non-LuLaRoe items. Make it a dedicated work space.
- Set up your desk and LuLaRoe work area.
- Figure out where you’re going to store your clothes!!!!
- Order start up supplies. I ordered almost everything from Amazon because I have Prime, which meant it was delivered to my door quickly with free shipping! Here’s my LuLaRoe start up supplies list. A few of the items you’ll probably want include:
Have fun “nesting” (setting up your office as the supplies start coming in!)
Figure out your why
Why do you want to sell LuLaRoe? What makes you excited about this company? You need to know so you can tell others. Here’s my why.
What NOT to do while in the LuLaRoe queue:
- Don’t worry about your Facebook page and group just yet. In fact, I suggest waiting until the day you get your onboading call to really start promoting.
- Don’t do loops and giveaways.
I launched with 1,600 in my Facebook shopping group and did several loops and giveaways. In hindsight, I wish I’d grown my business slower and more organically with customers who truly want to shop with me. I spent way too much time focusing on growing my group and am now being buried alive because I didn’t put enough effort into building a strong business foundation. I’m slowly digging myself out, but focusing on that from the start will make your life so much easier!