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Birthday Giveaway Day 3: Psychic Reading with Toi Huff

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Hi there!  Welcome back to day Day 3 of my birthday week giveaways! Enter to win a free psychic reading with the amazing Toi Huff!

Yup, a psychic reading

I came across Toi through my friend Dani (from  She was using her gift to answer questions on a Facebook live, but it was her warmth that drew me in.

I was in a really bad place.  My world had just caved in.  I needed warmth.

I cried through our entire first session on Facebook messenger video.  I blew my nose on my shirt repeatedly.  I was a hot mess.

She’s opened my eyes to stuff about myself and my life I’d been ignoring.  Her support made it possible for me to face what was previously too scary.  She’s helped me gain confidence and clarity.

She’s kind and compassionate, but she also doesn’t take bullshit and has given me some much needed pushes to do the right thing for myself, to put in the work.

I found this photo of us video chatting on my phone.  I didn’t even know I took it.


Psychic reading with Toi Huff

People judge you when you say you talk to a psychic.

Someone said, “You are smart.  You have a master’s degree.  I can’t believe you do stupid shit like believe in psychics.”

I believe in all sorts of things.

I believe in Toi Huff.

Toi taught me how to meditate and manifest.  She taught me how to change my self talk to something positive.  She helped me see patterns in unhappiness and plot out the steps to change it.  My life is better because I met her.  And yours will be too if you reach out to her.

And now you can enter to win a free reading with her!  Don’t want to wait?  Go to  You can also find her on Facebook.

Toi and I are going to go live on the Rambling Rach Facebook page this week.  Stay tuned for details.  

Here is a bit of info about Toi in her own words:

How do you describe your unique talents to help people?

I use my prophetic gifts to help people design and create the life they have always wanted. Regardless of what they have been through, I receive unique insight and assignments to assist with allowing people to be honest and open with not only me but also themselves so that they can feel, deal and heal through their issues.

When did you realize you were able to do this?

Mannnn… I had always been the know it all, great advice giving friend that everyone came to. It wasn’t until I went through a lot of my own personal spiritual growth and healing that I realized I was meant to use my pain and experiences to help others heal through the same things. Who would be a good fit for your services? I’m the one who can help anyone who isn’t happy with their life on multiple levels. I identify cycles, where and why they began and help formulate a plan to break them so that you are able to create the life you have always dreamed of.

What do you say to people who are skeptical?

Nothing. Those who are skeptical usually test me and find that I am more accurate then they ever want to admit.

enter to win a psychic reading with Toi Huff



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About Rambling Rach


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