Guess what? You can totally do a 5K if you’re fat. I did!
I weighed well over 300 pounds – closer to 350. I was excited because I finished in under an hour – and that I wasn’t dead last (though I was really close).
This October will be five years since I did that 5K. I’m going to do it again. I’m excited to continue making healthy lifestyle changes between then and now so that I’ll hopefully be a whole lot lighter and faster.
Here’s the thing about doing a 5K if you’re fat: strangers will lavish you with compliments. They’ll tell you you’re an inspiration. They’ll stay to cheer you on.
They think they’re being supportive, but really, it just made me feel more out of place.
But I was so proud when I crossed that finish line.
A bucket list item crossed off.
And now put back on for the sequel.