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I had a tea leaves reading…here’s what went down

I was looking for something totally new and different to do a few months ago.  I wanted a distraction from my normal life, but I didn’t really want to be in a social setting.  I wanted different, but not socially uncomfortable.  A friend mentioned on Facebook she had her tea leaves read.  I called for an appointment.  There was an opening that evening – in one hour.

I drove right there.  I had no idea what to expect.   It was in a shop filled with crystals and other mystical objects I don’t know anything about.

I was taken to a small room in the back to meet with the tea reader, a woman with long gray hair and an Irish accent.  She poured me some tea and asked me sip it using my non-dominant hand.  After the first couple swigs she said I could switch to my dominant hand.

After I drank the liquid, she poured the tea leaves out onto a saucer and studied them.

She asked me who begins with a T.

There’s no T person significant in my life.

(If you’re reading this and a significant T person in my life I’m forgetting, I’m so sorry.)

She told me my marriage was on the rocks.  That I was feeling unappreciated and unseen by my husband.  That I was unhappy and restless.

All true.  But probably also true for many 40-year-old women.

She told me I’m overweight because I eat out of loneliness, sadness and feeling overwhelmed.

Yup.  But duh.

“I am Catholic and I shouldn’t be saying this.  It goes against my religion.  But you need to have an affair.  This is going to be the thing to shake up your marriage and make you both decide if you want to stay in it.”

She told me I was going to start running.  Weight was going to drop off me.  Then I was going to have the affair.  A hot affair with a gorgeous man who worshiped my body.

And then decide if my marriage was worth saving.

I asked her what she saw about my daughter.  She said she saw her in great heartbreak.

She really was in devastating heartbreak.  But good guess with 17-year-old girls.

I felt like she didn’t tell me anything she couldn’t have easily guessed based on my age, body language and emotional vibes.  I wasn’t blown away.  But I wasn’t upset or disappointed either because I went into it just looking for distraction and having zero expectations.

I haven’t been ravaged by this beautiful mystery man yet.  Probably because I haven’t started running.

I met the psychic that owned the shop while I was there, which led me to a whole different experience…to be continued.

Have you had your tea leaves read?  I’d love to hear about it!

What I learned when I head my tea leaves read