When I think of the best compliments I’ve ever received three really stand out. Two are from the last year so they are fresh in my mind. One will stick with me for the rest of my life.
Compliments can really brighten someone’s day – especially if that person’s Love Language is words of affirmation like mine! I try to pass out compliments freely and frequently – random strangers, casual acquaintances, my daughter and her friends, close friends, etc. It feels good to give and receive nice words.
Here are my three favorite compliments I’ve received.
Best compliments ever #1:
“Your purse matches personality.”
I’ve been carrying around a gold sequin wristlet for about six months now. I love grabbing this instead of lugging around a big purse. It’s Charming Charlie brand and I got it for practically free at Goodwill Outlet. I was at Starbucks
with a friend a few months ago and a college aged girl came up to me and said, “Your purse matches your personality. I can tell you are glittery and sparkly just from looking at your smile.” Awww.
Best compliments ever #2:
“Hello, Unicorn.”
I accompanied my friend and her little boy trick-or-treating on Halloween. We walked the whole mile loop of my neighborhood. We were just starting our journey when a little girl a few houses down walked up to me and said, “Hello, Unicorn.” I felt like she saw my true essence, right down into my soul.
Best compliments ever #3:
“You’re the mom I want to be.”
This one will stick with me forever. It’s probably been at least three years and I still get teary whenever I think of it. This was a fellow mom who had adopted a child from foster care. I thought she didn’t like me. Our parenting styles were very different. Then she randomly sent me a message on Facebook that simply said, “You’re the mom I want to be.” And I cried. Hard.
What are the best compliments you’ve received?