Talk-to-text woes: I’m buried in enchiladas


I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 Active. Ya know, cuz I’m super outdoorsy and active. Ha! Nope, I’m really clumsy and the salesperson said it would hold up better. I once ruined a phone by spilling a whole bottle of water in my purse, drowning it. The S5 Active has this little flap that’s supposed […]

#Underawareness – Bladder Leakage: You Aren’t Alone!


So I have some boundary issues.  I share TMI.  Sometimes of the bathroom variety.  But ya know what?  More people usually thank me than complain.  Because this stuff happens to everyone.  I recently learned Depend is entering year two of Underwareness, a social movement and charitable cause to break down the bladder leakage stigma. And you can […]

Recycle period pads! FREE SAMPLE!

eye mask

Wanna join me as I recycle period pads and collect girly dresses?  I promise, it’s not as gross as it sounds! Summer is here! I love wearing lightweight maxi dresses. Throw one on and done! Easy peasy. Plus, I like ’em long so I can skip leg shaving without being being self conscious (though I […]