Healthy Eating Tips for Chinese Take Out or Buffet
This is a guest post from Mandy Robinson. Mandy has her own website She shares the best in entertainment news, reality spoilers and celeb gossip on her site. When you are dieting, sometimes it is hard to give up everything you love. Chinese food is one of those things that some people don’t want […]
Healthy eating: How to cook oatmeal in a skillet
Yup, this is a “how to cook oatmeal post.” This method has changed breakfast in our home. It’s a simple trick, but makes a big difference. My daughter and I love oatmeal. We eat it all year – even in Florida’s crazy hot summer. However, we only like it cooked on the stove. After trying […]
Healthy Lunchbox: Packing a full meal is easy
Our healthy lunchbox is back! Last week I whined shared about my daughter begging for junk food in the grocery store. She’s 13 and I try not to control her food too much. Last week’s lunch had a chicken patty on a hamburger bun, grapes, a single serving of Pringles and a mini granola […]
Getting kids to eat healthy foods
Do you find getting kids to eat healthy foods to be a challenge? My daughter is pretty open to all foods, but sometimes she throws me a curve ball. So the kiddo and I went grocery shopping Saturday night with the main objective of getting stuff for her lunchbox. This is the first school […]
Spinach & kale salad that’s better than chocolate cake
We had one of those “throw dinner together” kind of nights earlier this week. I’d made my daughter a whole wheat flat bread salad filled with chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, salsa, shredded cheese and a dollop of sour cream. The plan was a chicken quesadilla, but our tortillas were all dried out, so I improvised. […]