Guided Emotional Support Journals, you deserve to feel great about yourself!
Are you (or have you ever been) a self described hot mess? Welcome! This is your place. You’re with your people.
Do you want to make changes, but are afraid to start?
Have you ever felt trapped in a life you don’t love?
Do you struggle with feeling like you’re not good enough?
Are you living your life for someone else while you neglect yourself?
Have you lost sight of who you are and what you want in life, but lack the clarity and energy to get it back?
Take off your shoes! Let me get you a hot beverage (tea, coffee and cocoa all available).
I’ve been through all of that and am fighting to change the beliefs and patterns that held me back most of my life.
Join me. You deserve more, too.
If you appreciate honesty, unfiltered realness and looking for the humor even in dark times, you’ll be quite comfortable here!
This blog is about living a full life, which means lots of topics are covered. I’m open to exploring new ideas. Shoot me an email at Things discussed here include:
healing, trauma, divorce, mental health, diabetes, motherhood, Jessica Jones, Instant Pot, NSNG and Vinnie Tortorich, sex toys, plus size fashion, recipes, green smooothies, fitness, travel, hotels, pets, sex, body positivity, writing, yoga, weight loss, adult friendship, teenagers, psychics, social issues, unicorns, product reviews, Target, drag queens, helpful hints, deals, thrift shop finds, embarrassing stories, entertainment, beauty, trying new things, etc. etc. etc.
This blog started as Shrinking Momster. I was going to write about weight loss and healthy living. But then life got in the way. My family was in constant crisis for years and I was barely holding on. Losing weight was just no longer the biggest priority in my life.
It all hit a head in 2018. My child nearly died, my marriage ended, and I found myself living alone for the first time in my entire life. I nearly fell apart completely. But I didn’t.
As I started to claw my way back up, I knew a name change was in order. Rambling means to stretch out in all directions, to weave and wind. That’s what I’m doing as I figure out how to love myself and build a life that sparks my own joy.
I’ve always loved to write. I’ve been journaling, making lists and writing long letters since before I even started kindergarten. It’s how I process my thoughts and make sense of everything going on both inside and outside of my own head.
Instead of a writing degree, I went with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in education with emphases on preK special needs and infant/toddler development. Then I worked for a nonprofit that dealt with early childhood education, specifically at risk young children and families, for years. Teaching early childhood education at the college level is still something I love.
I adopted a nine-year-old from the foster care system in 2010. Wow – I didn’t realize such love (or exhaustion) existed in the world! Blogging about older child adoption, attachment, trauma, child mental health and parenting helped me deal with these big changes. Last Mom blog launched in 2011. The blog had a large following, but I found it hard to protect my daughter’s privacy as she hit the teen years, so I eventually let it go. Many Last Mom readers have followed me in my other writing endeavors and I am forever grateful for the community and support system we built together.
Freelance writing became my fulltime career in 2011 in order to have more flexibility for my daughter. I’ve written thousands of articles on everything from portable toilets to how to bathe a cat. My work on parenting has been published in print on four continents. I’ve also been published on prominent websites including Scary Mommy, What to Expect, Colgate, Adoptive Families and Papás y Mamás by Ricky Martin.
(Yes, that Ricky Martin.)
I love RuPaul, giraffes, cupcakes, pizza, Pink (both the color and the singer), traveling, staying up late talking, brunch, hotels, being silly, laughing, sleeping late and so much more.
(Yes, Ricky Martin really is that hot in person.)
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